Frequently asked questions

  1. What is PRUShoppe?

    PRUShoppe is an online selling platform of Pru Life UK offering term insurance which you can buy at your convenience.

  2. Is there a need to create an account to login and buy an insurance product on this platform?

    Creating an account is not necessary. You just need to click the "Get Now" or "Learn More" button to begin your journey with PRUShoppe.

  3. Is it possible to purchase via PRUShoppe without assistance of a Pru Life UK Financial Advisor?

    You may apply for and purchase a policy on your own.

  4. Is it possible to purchase via PRUShoppe if I already have a PRULife Your Team product which I bought from my Financial Advisor?

    You can still purchase from PRUShoppe. However, you can only do it once.

  5. Can I insure a person apart from myself (i.e., parent, spouse, children)?

    We will only accept applications wherein the policyowner is also the insured individual.

  6. Can I purchase using my debit or credit card?

    You may purchase using the said cards provided that is it powered by Visa, MasterCard, or JCB.

  7. Can I use the debit or credit card of another person (i.e., parent, spouse, etc.) for online payment?

    You can only use a debit or credit card under your name to proceed with the payment.

  8. Is it possible for my application to be declined or rejected?

    It is possible for Pru Life UK to decline or reject your application due to the following reasons:

    • It is not your first time to purchase in PRUShoppe.
    • Your age is below 18 or above 60 years old.
    • You are not residing in the Philippines.
    • You are not in the Philippines during the time of application.

  9. Can I cancel my policy anytime with full refund of premium?

    Yes, provided that it is within the 15 day free-look period of the policy. You may file your cancellation request here.

  10. After canceling my policy, how long will it take for me to get the premium refund?

    Processing of refund will take 10 working days. However, the crediting of the premium paid will depend on your statement cut-off which is handled by the issuing bank.

  11. In case of accident or death, how will my beneficiary/ies get the claim/s?

    Your beneficiary/ies must file a claim request and submit the following requirements.

      Standard Requirements for Death Claim
    • Claimant statement
    • Policy contract
    • Attending physician’s statement/s
    • Discharge summary
    • MEDICO-LEGAL REPORT, if there is any
    • Death certificate
    • Birth or baptismal certificate of the insured
    • Birth or baptismal certificate of the beneficiary/beneficiaries
    • Reason for late filing of claim (if claim is filed beyond 90 days)
    • Marriage contract if beneficiary is spouse
    • Two valid identification cards of insured
    • Two valid identification cards of primary beneficiary/beneficiaries

      Standard Requirements for Disability Claim
    • Claimant statement
    • Latest copy of policy data page
    • Attending physician’s statement/s
    • Two valid identification cards of insured
    • Two valid identification cards of policyowner
    • Two valid identification cards of authorized representative of company/institution

  12. How do I change my contact and/or beneficiary details after the policy issuance?

    You may update your contact information and/or beneficiary/ies details via PRUAccess (PRU Life Customer Portal). You may also call our customer service hotline (02) 88875433 if you are within Metro Manila or our domestic toll-free number 1 800 10 7785465.

  • Life insurance coverage
    Guaranteed death benefit for your beneficiary/ies in case something happens to you.
  • Accelerated Total and Permanent Disability
    50% cash benefit deducted from the base plan’s sum assured and paid in advance in case you become totally and permanently disabled.
  • Accidental Death and Disablement
    An additional cash benefit equivalent to 100% of base plan’s sum assured provided in case you meet an accident that results in bodily injury, death, or disability.
  • Waiver of Premium due to Total and Permanent Disability
    This exempts you from paying succeeding premiums in case you become totally and permanently disabled due to bodily injury or disease on or before your policy anniversary immediately following your 60th birthday.

    Please refer to Product Terms and Conditions for the full scope of benefits and limitations of this product.
  • Renewal
    After the first year coverage expires, you may renew your coverage until age 89 without submitting proof of good health just by paying the succeeding premiums.
  • Conversion
    Starting on the second (2nd) year of your plan, you may switch to any of Pru Life UK’s insuravest (investment-linked insurance), whole life or endowment products. Proof of good health is not required if the plan you will switch to has an amount of coverage equal to or less than your PRULife Your Term.


    • Duly accomplished Policy Amendment Request Form for Individual Policyowner which indicates your desired change/s. You may download the form from our website
    • New Business Application Form for the new policy;
    • Quotation proposal for the new plan with your and your agent’s signature. If you don't have an agent, please contact PRUCAT directly or visit any of our sales offices;
    • Policy Contract with original copy of the Policy Data Page for conversion of term plan;
    • Payment of initial premium;
    • Signed consent of Irrevocable beneficiaries/Assignee, if any; and
    • If policy is assigned to a corporate entity, secretary’s certificate or board of resolution of the Assignee corporation appointing its authorized representative and allowing the amendment transaction with a signed copy of one (1) valid government-issued or two (2) valid non-government IDs of the assigned authorized representatives, as necessary.

  • Add supplemental benefits (riders)
    After policy issuance, you may opt to add supplemental benefits (riders) for a more comprehensive plan.


    • Duly accomplished Policy Amendment Request Form for Individual Policyowner which indicates your desired change/s. You may download the form from our website
    • Quotation proposal with signature of your agent. If you don't have an agent, please contact PRUCAT directly or visit any of our sales offices;
    • Payment of balance, if necessary;
    • Duly accomplished health statement form (statement of insurability must be completed);
    • Underwriting routine requirements, if necessary;
    • Financial statement, if necessary; and
    • New Business Application Form, in case of additional request for inclusion of Payor Waiver.

  • Increase sum assured
    You may increase your protection coverage when the need arises any time after policy issuance.


    • Duly accomplished Policy Amendment Request Form for Individual Policyowner which indicates your desired change/s. You may download the form from our website
    • Quotation proposal with signature of your agent. If you don't have an agent, please contact PRUCAT directly or visit any of our sales offices;
    • Payment of balance, if necessary;
    • Duly accomplished health statement form (statement of insurability must be completed);
    • Underwriting routine requirements, if necessary; and
    • Financial statement, if necessary; and

  • Payment of premiums
    Frequency of paying your premiums is based on your designated mode of payment (i.e., annual, semi-annual, quarterly and monthly). You will receive billing notices via e-mail before your premium payments are due.

    You may pay your renewal premiums via other payment facilities such as:

    • Business center
    • Payment counters (Bayad Center SM Malls and Department Stores)
    • Bank Partners (BDO, BPI, HSBC, Metrobank, Security Bank, BancNet Online)
    • PRUaccess using your credit, debit or prepaid card (VISA, Mastercard, or JCB)

    You may access for more information regarding premium payment facilities. You also have the option to change your mode of payment following the schedule below:

    FromToWhen to change
    payment mode
    Annual Semi-Annual 2nd annual payment
    FromToWhen to change
    payment mode
    Semi-Annual Semi-Annual 3rd semi-annual payment
    Quarterly 2nd semi-annual payment
    FromToWhen to change
    payment mode
    Quarterly Semi-Annual 4th quarterly payment
    Quarterly 3rd quarterly payment
    Monthly 2nd quarterly payment
    FromToWhen to change
    payment mode
    Monthly Semi-Annual 12th monthly payment
    Quarterly 6th monthly payment
    Monthly 4th monthly payment

  • Reinstatement
    Your policy will terminate in case of non-payment of premiums. You may reinstate or put it back in active status within five (5) years from termination by submitting the following:

    • Health Statement Form duly dated, signed by Agent in case policyowner and agent are not one and the same, Unit Manager (UM) / Branch Manager (BM) if policyowner and agent are the same. If you don't have an agent, please contact PRUCAT directly or visit any of our sales offices;
    • Payment of balance, if necessary;
    • Payment equivalent to one modal premium due; and
    • Underwriting routine requirements, if necessary.

    If reinstating under monthly mode of payment, the additional requirements will be asked:

    • 12 PDCs, PDC certification and PDC Monthly Agreement form;
    • Two (2) original copies of ADA enrollment form with proof of bank account; or
    • Credit card enrollment form duly signed by the policyowner and photocopy of the front portion of the credit card.
    • Change or add beneficiary/ies

    Changing of name due to legal reasons
    Submit at Pru Life UK head office or sales office the following:

    • Duly accomplished Policy Amendment Request Form for Individual Policyowner. You may download it from our website
    • Original or certified true copy of the legal document which supports your correct/new name (e.g., birth certificate, marriage contract, adoption papers); and
    • Valid ID

    Changing beneficiary/ies
    Submit at Pru Life UK head office or sales office the following:

  • Claiming
    When the policyowner or beneficiary asks the insurance company to pay the benefits provided by an insurance policy.

    Filing of death claim
    Submit at Pru Life UK head office or sales office the following:

    • Claimant’s statement
    • Policy booklet
    • Attending physician’s statement/s
    • Discharge summary
    • Medico-legal report (if any)
    • Death certificate (front and back)
    • Birth or baptismal certificate of the life insured and beneficiary/ies
    • Marriage contract if the beneficiary is the spouse
    • Two (2) valid identification cards of the life insured and primary beneficiary/ies
    • The policy terminates once a death claim is paid.

    Filing of living benefits
    Submit at Pru Life UK head office or sales office the following:

    • Claimant’s statement
    • Latest copy of the Policy Data Page
    • Attending physician’s statement(s)
    • Two (2) valid identification cards of the life insured and policyowner

  • Cancellation
    You may cancel your policy without charges within 15 days from policy issuance.
    You may do this online via